Why Your Pontoon Needs a Side Mount Ladder

Side Mount Ladder
Pontoon and Tritoon boats are popular boats for relaxation and casual cruises. However, the pontoon logs that they use to stay buoyant can make it difficult for people to get in and out of the vessel safely, especially on the open water. With newer boats, these pontoon logs are often larger and add extra height to the boat’s sides, which pose a challenge for dogs, children, shorter individuals, and those with mobility issues. Plus, when wet, anyone may struggle to board and disembark safely.

Installing a side mount ladder is an effective solution to this access and safety problem. Our side mount ladder is specially designed to be used in the side doorway gates of your pontoon. It mounts to the floors with a keychain and lock mechanism similar to what you see on house doors, allowing for quick but secure installation. When you do not need it, it detaches easily and can be stored on the watercraft until it’s needed again. It’s ideal for vessels that do not have a rear boarding ladder.

Our pontoon side mount ladder is built from high-quality aluminum and can support up to 250 lbs. The steps are 16 inches wide and 6.5 inches deep, so they do not hurt your feet. It works great for people and pets of all ages. Contact us to learn more about this product, as well as our dock ladders and other solutions.


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