Our Dock Ladders Can Be Used for Both People and Dogs

Having a cottage at the lake to go to is one of the best things about summertime. It’s a place where family and friends can enjoy the heat, have fun, and get a little exercise into their day by jumping in the lake. Running off the docks and cannon-balling into the still waters is what a mini-vacation getaway is all about, and as a dock-owner, you’ll want to make sure you have all the right equipment to make your dock a useable, fun, hangout spot.

Typically, most docks will have what is called a dock ladder used for everyone to get in and out of the water; though not much thought goes into this essential dock component, it’s quite the critical piece. At Aqua - Stairs, we are dedicated to making state-of-the-art dock ladders that everyone can use, including your pets. Your dogs won’t have any issues sharing the same ladder you use when going for a splash.

Here’s the thing, there’s no need to get more than one ladder for humans and pets. You can retain your dock's aesthetic and still have a safe place to get into the lake or boat. On the note of aesthetics, dock ladders come in several different styles and all are made with high-quality and durable materials. This essential piece of equipment should add to the feeling of cottage life and fit seamlessly with the summery dock ambiance you love.


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