Why Dock Ladders Can Be Used for Elderly Assistance

Spending long summer days swimming should be an activity that is enjoyed by all. However, many docks and swim platforms have ladders that are difficult for the elderly to climb. That’s why installing an easy to climb dock ladder for the elderly is so important when preparing your dock.

Whether you have a private dock at your cottage or you have to set up a public dock for everyone, having the right ladder can make all the difference. To help with mobility, you want to choose a ladder that has broad and deep steps. This makes it more comfortable for anyone stepping onto the platforms. You also want a ladder that is angled more like stairs. This way, even if someone can’t climb a traditional ladder, they should still be able to easily get in and out of the water.

Make Swimming More Accessible

With easy to climb dock ladders for the elderly, you can easily ensure that your swimming platform is accessible to all. This is especially helpful as swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise and a great way for anyone to spend time on a hot summer afternoon. This is another reason why having an accessible ladder on your dock is so essential.


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