Climbing the Swim Platform Ladder on a Summer Day

Soon the summer months will be upon us again, and for many folks, that means it’s time to recharge with some sunshine and fresh air. That’s right: when temperatures start to rise, that’s the cue for stress to drop.

Have you had another dreary winter of running up against deadlines and trying to climb the corporate ladder? Well, now you get the chance to ditch the gray cubicles and climb the swim platform ladder instead. It’s the season for sunscreen and swimwear, for lazy afternoons and long weekends. In other words: it’s time to switch gears and get into vacation mode.

It’s hard to imagine summer and not picture water—whether the ocean, pool, or lake, the idea of dipping our toes into cool water is just part of what the perfect day includes. When was the last time you sat carefree on the top rung of a dock ladder, kicking at the lapping water beneath you? Or laughed while your child or dog climbed the aluminum steps to relax with you on the deck? Riding in a boat, splashing in the water, or lounging on a floating dock: for many people, these are crucial vacation ingredients.

It doesn’t matter if that vacation involves a long-distance destination or a day of time-off, stay-at-home recreation. The water, sunshine, and fresh air are all you need to soothe your nerves, get some exercise, work on your tan, and recall fond childhood memories of swimming with friends and family.

So get ready to dive into your favorite lake. Let the clear water wash your worries away. Maybe you drove hours with your kids to get here or maybe you simply walked by yourself to a nearby spot. The important thing is that you simply made a healthy choice to relax. By the time you grab onto the aluminum ladder for an easy climb back to the deck or the floating dock, you’ll already be right where you need to be: away from your desk. 


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