Dock Ladders Add Accessibility

Our world is full of accommodations for those with disabilities. Handicap parking, ramps, and handrails all help member of our community get around more safely. That’s why it’s well worth your time to add a dock ladder to your property’s ramp--especially if you regularly play host, or rent your property out.

Dock ladders come in all shapes and sizes and are easy to have professionally installed on your private dock. With one, you can rest easy knowing you’ve done your due diligence in ensuring your guests have safeguards in place to help them out of the water or onto a docked boat.

Who Benefits?

Those with disabilities aren’t the only people who benefit from the addition of a dock ladder. People with chronic pain, the elderly, and children can all benefit from an extra set of handholds - especially where slippery docks are concerned.

Even pets appreciate dock ladders. Does your dog love to swim and dive off your private dock? By adding a ladder, you can ensure your furry friend always has an easy leg up out of the water. Everyone can enjoy the convenience and safety that comes with the presence of a dock ladder.


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