Make Your Dock Pet-Friendly with a Dog Ladder

The dock is your gateway to waterside adventure. When it comes to getting the most from your investment, it also pays to make the dock as easy to use as possible. That’s why dock ladders have become a popular addition--they provide an easy way to enter and exit the water.

Of course, if you have a dog in the family, chances are they like getting their paws wet from time to time. In these cases, you may want to do away with the traditional, vertical dock ladder and consider an addition that’s better for man’s best friend. Many companies offer variations of the dog ladder to their dock equipment catalogs since they’ve become such a popular choice for pet owners.

Where Conventional Dock Ladders Fail
The traditional dock ladder design has its flaws. For one, since the ladder is oriented vertically, the elderly and children may find it harder, or even unsafe, to use. Second, pets still have no way to get into or out of the water from a dock. Instead, they have to walk all the way to a boat ramp or beach area to access the water--which can lead to muddy paws. Worse, it’s a safety hazard. Nobody wants to put their pooch in the way of boats or trailers!

How Dock Ladders for Dogs Help Your Pets
Recently, dock ladder companies have explored options in making docks and marinas more accessible to people and pets alike. One such solution is the dock ladder for dogs. In these pieces of equipment, two key modifications have been made:

The Ladder Assembly Is Angled: Angled dock ladders mimic a flight of stairs, encouraging a natural and seamless step into and out of the water. It makes accessing the water much easier and safer for pets.

The Steps Are Wider: Traditional ladder steps are narrow, which makes it easy for people to lose their footing. Dock ladders for dogs, on the other hand, have wider steps to accommodate a pet’s gait. It’s also better for children and the elderly.

Having fun in the water is easier with a dog dock ladder. With this equipment, there’s no need to pick up pets or go out of your way to find water access. It’s simple, fast, and makes enjoying your time at the dock more enjoyable. 


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