Dock Ladder | Boat Dock Ladder| Aqua-Stairs

How to Have Fun in the Sun Safely with a Dock Ladder 

As the weather gets warmer and sunnier, chances are you and your family are planning fun summer events down at the lake or in your swimming pool. Nothing is more fun than an afternoon spent splashing around in the cool water, but it’s also important to practice safety whenever you or your loved ones are swimming in the lake or pool. Practice and discuss these vital safety rules with your children before going swimming this summer:

  • Always Check the Swimming Area for Water Depth, Rocks, and Debris
  • Never Swim Alone and Always Swim with at Least One Adult Present
  • Don’t Swim in Areas Where Motor Boats Are to Reduce Risk of Injury or Fume Inhalation
  • Don’t Drink Pool or Lake Water
  • Use a Boat or Dock Ladder to Enter and Exit the Water Safely

What Type of Dock Ladder Should You Get?
A boat or dock ladder is a simple but valuable tool every family should have for their dock, platform, or boat this summer. Companies like Aqua-Stairs make lightweight and easy-to-install steps that attach to an existing boat, dock, or swimming platform. Rather than struggling to pull yourself out of the water after an exhausting but fun day of swimming, you can simply walk up the stairs. There are a variety of dock ladder styles, including permanent and temporary styles. The type of ladder you get depends on where it will be installed as well as your budget.

Protect Your Pets and Make Life Easier for Your Family
The greatest benefit of adding a boat dock ladder to your summer fun gear is the safety it offers your family. Whether you have children, pets, or elderly and disabled friends and family members, dock ladders are the perfect way to make sure anyone is able to easily and quickly get out of the water without having to struggle. 


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