Swim Ladder | Aqua Stairs

Swim Ladders Make Swimming More Fun for All Ages

 Swimming is more fun when everyone can join in. Unfortunately, for some people, it can be a real challenge to get in and out of the water. For example, many young children and older adults do not have the strength or flexibility to pull themselves up and out. Dogs also often struggle to get back up on the dock or deck.

Installing a swim ladder is a great way to ensure everyone can have fun swimming, splashing, and floating. Continue reading to learn more about the great benefits you can enjoy by installing a ladder on your dock, deck, or boat.

Safer for Everyone

No matter what age you are or how in shape you are, using a swim ladder increases your safety while swimming dramatically. Rough waves can make it dangerous to get back onboard a boat or up on a dock. No one wants to get slammed against a hard surface while they are trying to get out of the water.
 Even when the waters are calm, getting out is always a slippery endeavor. It is easier to lose your grip and hurt yourself if you don’t have anything convenient to climb on.

With a ladder in place, getting out of the water is as safe as it can be. There are steps to make the climb up easy, as well as handrails to hold on to. This reduces the risk of strain and injury, particularly for older swimmers, children, people with mobility issues, and pets. Why struggle when you can just walk on up? Consider installing a ladder on your property so more people can enjoy a nice soak.


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